clarissa: i was suppossed to do my entrepreneurship test now, but the fact is, i don't.WHY?!! GO AND ASK THE TEACHER WHYY! im freakin wondering WHY, too -_-
amanda: however, it was badly raininggg yesterday and clarissa joined me home. and ontheway, we saw this.. this.... hmm... likely this almost bald funny man, MR SUBURRRRR!! WHOAAAA we saw him under this.. hmm.. purple umbrella rofl.we opened the window and shouted for him straight away. he looked back and laughed and made both of us laughed more and more :DD don't ask us WHY could we know it was'll die of laughin!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

haha very cute ya sir LOL
shelda: so yeah this is kinda embarrassing, you don't have to read this, really. okay so i cried yesterday in maths period. bcos of ******. SHE REALLY IS ANNOYING! im sick sick sick of her.ALL OF US SICK OF HER.or perhaps, SHE REALLY IS A SICK SAD PERSON. ga tau diri kali yaaaa asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjkl EMOSI SAYA ADUH -_- pikirin aja diri lo sendiri nek.HAHAHA
okayy it's bell already. gotta go now folksss see ya later on.ciao! :)
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