Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

the very first post :)

heyyya cashiers! welcome to the blog! in case you didn't know, we are CLARISSA.AMANDA.AND SHELDA or pretty much sounds like CASH :) OH WE ARE SO FAMOUSSSS :p jk' hopefully y'all gonna enjoy our crazy writings :)
so this is our first post overall.too bad shelda isn't coming today she's joining the drawing competition in ipeka pluit.so we (sasa and manda) writing this blog, during lunchtime, in the library, without shelda :( we wish you the best luck tho! :)
we had the most hectic week ever! we had test everyday and they really wasted a lot of our memory hooks.by definition: THIS ISN'T FINAL EXAM EWW MY GOD!
we had biology test on monday, chemistry on tuesday, maths on wednesday, and bhs indonesia today. but thank God those times are over and we're having a super holiday tomorrow yayysss!!! :DD hopefully our marks are good :p
eh, we also had physics practical just now.terus aku (sasa) jual bahan2 ke ank2 sekelas!! haha even me (manda) bought from her wah hebat dia tau kaga ada yg ingett :p and during the practical (as usual kita ga pernah dan ga akan pernah segrup huhu) i (sasa) was grouped with okto audria and olga. terus okto jd trauma sama balon gara2 balon isi air nya pecah pas dipegang dia trs skrg dia kyk org ngompol LOL :p WE HAD A GREAT TIME! anyway we (and shelda) really can't hardly wait for tomorrow since we got our plans alrd for the LONG WEEKEND :)

have great day!

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